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Why haven’t the E.T.’s landed yet? I think that we heroic Human Angels—yes, heroic, because we were brave enough to incarnate on this sometimes brutal 3D planet of the beat-the-crap-out-of-you Apes, are more than ready to meet and greet our galactic neighbors (I bet they smell good too).

I wonder if the frequency of our planet has to vibrate at a higher rate before they can expose themselves to our polluted environment? I doubt it, because they are here already cleaning up our mess and have been for years. Granted, we will have some BIG cleaning projects to do once they officially land, but until then, they are keeping things tidy.

Many people who have had the amazing experience of seeing a space ship fly by their house, post their video on You Tube. Lucky for them, but I want to see one myself. No, let me change that. I want to meet an E.T. in person and then have a wonderful conversation AND get to ride on their spaceship—vroom, vroom! And after that, I’d like visit other planets. I don’t think that’s asking too much, and here’s why. If they are living this kind of life, right now, right next to us, flying around with big smiles on their green faces, why aren’t we?

Just think about that for a moment. Let it sink in …

So why aren’t we living a Star Trek kind of life? Are we not worthy? Are we not evolved enough? What authority convinced us to believe in that B.S.? Why are we still being kept in a prison state? That’s what it feels like, especially when I read all of the books, articles, or watch shows and interviews on anything related to our space family. They have the ultimate freedom and life, let me tell you. It’s like I am looking up at the stars, but my window is covered in bars. I want out.

From all that I have researched about this topic and others, I have learned that a very small group of people on this planet have been keeping an extremely tight lid about the knowledge of our space family, as well as advanced technology, and using it for themselves, while also keeping the rest of us in the dark and enslaved. Do you know that we have a space fleet of about 200 jet propulsion ships called Solar Warden? We also have a space station on Mars that’s been there since the 1970’s. I want in.

Our galactic space family has repeatedly come to our leaders, offering peace since Eisenhower if not earlier, but our governmental leaders around the globe have always turned them down. Nice, leaders huh? The problem, as I see it, is this: We have this elite group of people whom I like to refer to as the Dark Ones (they are sociopaths that are also known as the Illuminati, and other names, but none of them are illumined), who have had an agenda for at least 300 years if not more of world domination and they have worked this plan with ruthless efficiency.

The way that they work is to keep themselves and their plan hidden, like a Fox, and work behind the scenes pulling the strings. That said, they have been controlling our leaders who are really just puppets for the most part. The ones that do try to fight against the bad guys get killed, like President Kennedy. Because they have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, Government, Judicial, Medical, Religion, Education, Science, Entertainment, Food—everything, it makes it impossible to have peace on our planet, because every time one of our Space Family members comes to our leaders to see if they will allow them to help us, they get turned away.

I had read an article sometime last year about some E.T.s that were working in secret with the Indian Government and their military, in a mountain somewhere. It struck me as odd. Why all the secrecy and why the military?

Hello? Space family dudes, don’t you know that our leaders are not working for us anymore, we, the loving people of this planet? The leaders, almost all of them are corrupt, or bribed, blackmailed, or threatened into submission by Murder Inc. So why in God’s green acres are you still going to them?

Why not come directly to us instead?

I say that it’s time for a change! I’ve got the ‘it’s up to me attitude’ now, and I am claiming my human and soul sovereignty and I ask with all of my heart, to you, dear members of my Galactic Family, to come down here and help us, pretty please with sugar on top?