
This is my first official baby step into the World of the Row 80 Round of Writing (Mad Max World, I’m sure). A late comer I am, since round 2 is about to end in a few weeks. But as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

I look forward to meeting everyone on this journey, and may your goals be attained and wishes come true! If not, give me a call and I’ll whip up some good old fashioned magic to help kick it in gear (tip: think pink, bubbly, happy thoughts).

I’m going to keep my goals simple for this round, because quite frankly, I have a tendency to put too much goal food on my proverbial plate, and that usually leads to a nasty case of indigestion (Burp! Ah … that felt good).

So here’s the skinny:

1. Write 250 words per day.
2. Submit a piece of writing to the SJWG Anthology by July 1st.
3. Spend 1-2 hours per day working on plot for my novel.

Oh wait! One more goal …
4. Be able to fit into my bikini again.